Ball Mill

Specifications :

Working Principle: Laboratory  Ball mill consists of cylindrical shell  rotating on a horizontal axis mounted on a sturdy mild steel  frame. The  material  is ground at a specific speed by using a specific quantity of grinding media (steel balls) for a specific period. It is used to ground cement samples in Lab conditions. The ball mill shell is designed to withstand the rotational load of the mill charged with the grinding medium and the material to be processed.


  • With revolution counter for recording the revolutions.
  • Complete  with Mild Steel powder coated supporting structure.
  • 1/2 / 1 / 2  H.P. motor. (Crompton Greaves).
  • RPM  : 30 (+/- 2)
  • Complete with Steel Balls of various sizes.
  • To operate on 220 /230 Volts AC Supply.
Ball mill
Model No. : FE-188



Model No. : FE-188-A

10 KG

Model No. : FE-188-B

20 KG

Model No. : FE-188-C

30 KG