Autoclave (Cement)

Application :

specially designed for cement industry, these Cement Testing Autoclave or Tile Testing Autoclave systems provide precise results conforming to required standards of IS : 4031-1968 and IS : 1624-1960. Featuring durable construction of MS or Stainless steel housing chamber, these units prove to be finest even in tough conditions. The whole unit of cement autoclave is mounted on a sturdy supporting frame and enclosed in a heat insulated metal housing with finished paint. The control unit is attached to the side of the housing enclosing a sensitive pressure regulator and pressure gauge, power switch and pilot lights for controlling the electric heating unit.

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Model No. : FE-106


Inner Chamber

Stainless Steel (304 Grade)

Outer Chamber

Made of Mild Steel grey/blue Powder coating of 18 Gauge or Stainless Steel (304) With insulating wall of suitable materials like mineral/ glass wool.


Stainless Steel (304) with Locking system.


PID Based Microprocessor Controller.

Safety Features

Safety Valve and Circuit breaker

Working Temp. and Pressure

21 Kg /cm sq. +/- 1 Kg/cm sq. at 215°C


IS : 4031-1968, IS : 1624-1960, ASTM C151-00

Power supply

220/230 V AC, single phase, 50 HZ