Pass Box (Dynamic)

Applications :- 

Pass boxes are widely used in microbiology laboratories in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. In a Clean Room facility where a sterile environment is paramount, equal importance must be given to ensuring the movement of materials does not compromise the sanctity of the cleanroom. Hence Pass Boxes are used in cleanrooms to minimize the contamination due to movement of material and personals. Dynamic pass boxes are used to transfer materials from uncontrolled to controlled environment. Dynamic pass box works like an airlock or laminar air flow unit. Clean air enters in the pass box and prevents the entrance of the contamination. The inclusion of a HEPA filter and equipment for complex air handling help keep contaminants at bay and allow the cleanroom to achieve higher clean certification.  Dynamic pass boxes have a re-circulatory air system with a certain percentage of air intake as fresh air to keep it under positive pressure. It has a microprocessor-based controller to manage door interlock, UV light–hour meter, door open delay and other application based requirements. 

Features & Specification :-

  • Dynamic Pass Box Design according to GMP-Guideline easy to clean and to disin­fect.
  • Doubled walled Cabinet with Doors and Toughed Glass.
  • Cabinet Fabricated in SS 304 Structure.
  • Electro Magnetic Interlocking System.
  • Re-Circulated Filtration System.
  • HEPA filter with 99.99% efficiency up to 0.3 microns for supply air and exhaust air.
  • Air velocity : 0.45 ±0.05 mps (90±20 FPM) measured below 6” of Grill.
  • Magnehelic differential pressure gauge.
  • Centrifugal type Air blower.
  • Measuring system for pressure differential and volume flow or air velocity (If Required).
  • Pre-Installed White and UV Germicidal Light.
  • Feather Touch controller for Blower/Light/Pressure Display.
  • Sound Level Minimum 65db On Scale.
  • Power Supply Single Phase 220V 50 Hz.
Pass box for pharmaceutical clean roommm
Modal No. :- FE-147B





450x450x450 mm

95 ltr.


500x500x500 mm

130 ltr


600x600x600 mm

224 ltr.