Analytical Instrument


Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (2 Cell Holder) Model No. FE-221A: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (8 Cell Holder)Model No. FE-221B: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth)  Model No. FE-221C: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth & 8 Cell Holder) Model No. FE-221D: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, automatic 8 cell changer & Variable Bandwidth, automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)



Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Touch Screen) Model No. FE-221E: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large touch screen with colored display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Xenon Lamp) Model No. FE-221F: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Touch Screen) Model No. FE-221G: 

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large touch screen with colored display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90273020)

Quartz cuvettes 10mm path length


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 12V 20W


Glass cuvettes 10mm path length


D2 lamp for UV Spectrophotometers


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 6V 10W




Single Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Advance Model) Model No. FE-220A: 

Range 190-1100 nm, with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission Absorbance & K factor measurement. Automatic wavelength calibration & selection. It has sample holder with 4 position selector control for 10 mm path length cuvettes. Automatic wavelength calibration & wavelength scan. Automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB Port. Set of 2 Quartz & 4 Glass. Highly stable and accurate. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Model No. FE-221B: 

Range 195-1000 nm, with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission Absorbance & K factor measurements. It has sample holder with 4 position selector control for 10 mm path length cuvettes. Facility has been provided for interface with any printer (RS232). Set of 2 Quartz & 4 Glass cuvettes  is provided. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth) Model No. FE-221C:

Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90273020)

Quartz cuvettes 10mm path length


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 12V 20W


Glass cuvettes 10mm path length


D2 lamp for UV Spectrophotometers


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 6V 10W




Nano/Micro Visible Spectrophotometer (Portable & Graphical Display) Model No. FE-231A: 

Range 400-700 nm with facility for automatic scanning, Auto Calibration of Filters, automatic display of graphs and results, resolution 10nm display-2.9 inches graphical LCD, Scanning and OD node available, fast results in 2 seconds, power 5000 mah battery with micro USB 5V charger, Accommodates 1 cm path length cuvettes/13 nm OD tubes, android/iOS appli. integration available (OPT)

Digital Spectrophotometer (Double Display) Model No. FE-231B: 

Range 340-960 nm with facility for automatic concentration, %Transmission Absorbance measurements. 3½ digit data display, separate 3 digit LED display for wavelength in nm with 1 nm wavelength resolution. (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Digital Spectrophotometer (Double Display) Model No. FE-231C: 

Range 340-960 nm with facility for automatic concentration, 6% Transmission Absorbance measurements. 3½ digit data display, separate 3 digit LED display for wavelength in nm with 1 nm wavelength resolution. Provision for 10 mm & 50 mm path length cuvettes is provided equipped with set of 10 mm & 50 mm path length cuvettes.

Microprocessor Spectrophotometer (VIS) Model No. FE-231D: 

Range 320-1020 nm with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission and absorbance and K factor measurements. It has 3½ bright LCD display for data. Its sample holder accommodated glass cuvettes of 10 to 50 mm path length. Facility has been provided for unlimited sample data  storage and interface for any printer through RS 232 C. A set of 4 glass cuvettes of 10 mm path length is provided. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Microprocessor Spectrophotometer (VIS) Model No. FE-231E: 

Single Beam Range 320-1020 nm with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission and absorbance and K factor measurements. It has graphical LCD display for data. Its sample holder accommodated glass cuvettes of 10 to 50 mm path length. Facility has been provided for unlimited sample data  storage and interface for any printer via. USB. A set of 4 glass cuvettes 10mm path length is provided. With software.

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90273020)

Glass cuvettes 10mm path length (Set of 2)


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 6V 10W


Glass cuvettes 50mm path length (Set of 2)


Spare lamp (Vis) halogen 12V 20W


Glass cuvettes 100mm (Set of 2)




Touch Screen Microprocessor K.F Moisture Titrator Model No. FE-216A: 

with built-in magnetic stirrer, Auto computation of moisture in ppm, % age and mg H2O., Simultaneous display of results in all three units, 1000 sample storage facility with batch no, Final result are flashed on 7” colored touch screen. Password protected data login facility. Icon based menu for easy navigation. K.F reagent dispensing by motor (HSN Code : 90275090)

Microprocessor K.F Moisture Titrator (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-216B: 

with built-in magnetic stirrer, Auto computation of moisture in ppm, % age and mg H2O., Simultaneous display of results in all three units, 1000 sample storage facility with batch no, Final result are flashed on 128×64 premium graphical LCD. Icon based menu for easy navigation. K.F reagent dispensing by motor (HSN Code : 90275090)

Auto Karl Fisher Titrator Model No. FE-216C: 

Having array of LED’s provided with inbuilt stirrer, auto zero burette, adjustable timer, dual platinum electrodes and other accessories. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Titration vessel (Set of 3)


Dual platinum electrode


Dual platinum electrode


Burette clear  glass (10ml)


Dispensing tube (Set of 5)


Reservoir bottle clear glass (500ml)


Reservoir bottle 500ml (amber glass) kf reagent


Rubber bellow


Clear glass bottle 250ml (Set of 2)


Magnetic capsule




Touch Screen Microprocessor pH/Temperature/mv Meter Model No. FE-211A: 

A research grade instrument with 5” Touch Screen display with high resolution and sensitivity. Password protected data login facility, having auto temperature compensation, range 2.000 to 20.000 pH, resolution 0.001, auto buffer recognition. Data storage fealty up to 1000 samples, complete with pH electrode, temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual computer interface through USB (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Microprocessor pH/Temperature/mv Meter (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-211B: 

A research grade instrument with 128×64 large Graphical LCD display having auto temperature compensation, range 2.000 to 20.000 pH, resolution 0.001, auto buffer recognition, fluid resistant housing & rotational electrode stand along with accessories. Its features include 5 point calibration. Data storage fealty up to 1000 sample, complete with pH electrode, temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual computer interface through USB (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Microprocessor pH/Temperature/mv Meter (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-211C: 

Having array of LED’s provided with inbuilt stirrer, auto zero burette, adjustable timer, dual platinum electrodes and other accessories. (HSN Code : 90275090)


Microprocessor pH/Temperature/mv Meter Model No. FE-211D: 

16×2 alpha numeric LCD display having auto temperature compensation, auto buffer recognition along with accessories. Its features include 5 point calibration. Data storage fealty up to 1000 samples, complete with pH electrode, temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual computer interface through USB (Table Model). (HSN Code : 90278090)

Auto Deluxe pH Meter Model No. FE-211E: 

with automatic temperature compensation, combination pH electrode and RTD probe, 3½ digit LED display. 3 point calibration, useful pH and redox potential measurements. Range 0.00 to 14.00. Touch button calibrations. Provide with rotational electrode stand (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Auto Digital pH Meter Model No. FE-211F: 

with Manual Temperature Compensation, Combination pH electrode. 3½ digit LED display. Useful pH and redox potential measurements. Range 0.00 to 14.00. Touch button calibrations. (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital pH Conductivity & Temperature Meter Model No. FE-211G: 

for measurement of pH Conductivity & temperature, 3½ digit LED display supplied with pH combination electrode, conductivity cell and temperature probe (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Gel filled epoxy body combination electrode


pH electrode stand


pH combination electrode


Temperature probe


Image removebg preview (19)


Touch Screen Microprocessor Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Temp. Meter Model No. FE-213A: 

display having automatic calibration, 5” touch screen display with high resolution and sensitivity. Password protected data login facility, automatic range selection, automatic temperature compensation, selectable reference temp., fluid resistant housing & rotational electrode stand along with accessories. Data storage fealty up to 1000 samples, complete with cell, temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual, computer interface through USB (Table Model). (HSN Code : 90278090)

Microprocessor pH/Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Temp. Meter Model No. FE-213B: 

a research grade instrument with 16×2 large LCD display having automatic calibration, automatic range selection, automatic temperature compensation, selectable reference temp, fluid resistant housing & rotational electrode stand along with accessories. Data storage fealty up to 1000 samples, complete with cell, temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual, computer interface through USB (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Deluxe Conductivity Meter Model No. FE-213C: 

3½ digit LED display with facility automatic temperature. Compensation & digital cell constant adjustment along with conductivity cell & temperature probe (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)


Microprocessor Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Temp. Meter (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-213D: 

A research grade instrument with 128×64 large graphical LCD display having automatic calibration, automatic range selection, automatic temperature compensation, selectable reference temperature, fluid resistance housing & rotational electrode stand along with accessories. Data storage fealty up to 1000 samples, complete with cell. temperature probe, rotational electrode stand, dust cover & instructions manual computer interface through USB (Table Model). (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital TDS/Conductivity Meter Model No. FE-213E: 

Digital conductivity cum TDS meter 3½ digit LED display with facility for temp. compensation metal cell constant adjustment along with conductivity cell (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Auto Digital Conductivity Meter (Auto Ranging) Model No. FE-213F: 

3½ digit LED display with facility for temp. compensation and digital cell constant adjustment along with conductivity cell and other accessories. (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Auto Digital TDS Meter (Auto Ranging) Model No. FE-213G: 

3½ digit LED display facility temp. compensation and digital cell constant adjustment along with TDS cell and other accessories. (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Conductivity Cell (cell constant 1.0)


Conductivity cell stand


Conductivity Cell (cell constant 0.5)


Temperature Probe


Conductivity Cell (cell constant 0.1)




Portable High-Precision Turbidity Meter Model No. FE-209A: 

minimum readout 0.001, Measuring range 0-4000 NTU in 4 ranges, useful for drinking water, surface water, circulating water and sewage, Power – Lithium battery, output micro USB, 4.3 inch colored TFT screen (Table Model). (HSN Code : 90278090)

Microprocessor Turbidity Meter Model No. FE-209B: 

With 16×2 Alpha numeric LCD display having 2 ranges up to 1000 JTU with memory of storage of 2 standard stoa void frequent use of standard solutions. (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital Nephelometer Model No. FE-209C: 

3½ digit LED display range up to 200 NTU. (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital Turbidity Meter Model No. FE-209C: 

3½ digit LED display range up to 1000 NTU/JTU. (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)


Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Set of 30mm test tube with cap (3nos.)




Touch Screen Microprocessor Flame Photometer Model No. FE-215A: 

4 element measurement in a single aspiration Na & K as standard, Li, Ca & Ba optional at extra cost. Calibration fit curve fit routines first order and second order. Data displayed in concentration units i.e. ppm & meq, automatic filter selection; auto calibration feature. Printer attachment, PC connecting compatibility, sample data storage more than 500 results. Password protected data login facility, Curve calibration using up to 5 standard, Multiple calibration curve saving facility, Stainless steel burner. Auto gas cut off in case of power failure. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Microprocessor Flame Photometer (Graphical Display & Inbuilt Thermal Printer) Model No. FE-215B: 

4 element measurement in a single aspiration Na & K as standard, Li, Ca & Ba optional at extra cost. Calibration fit curve fit routines first order and second order. Data displayed in concentration units i.e. ppm & meq, automatic filter selection; auto calibration feature. Printer attachment, PC connecting compatibility, sample data storage more than 500 results. Alphanumerical board for easy data entry. Graphical LCD display thus easy to read, Curve calibration using up to 5 standard, Multiple calibration curve saving facility, Stainless steel burner. Auto gas cut off in case of power failure. (HSN Code : 90273020)


Microprocessor Flame Photometer (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-215C: 

Four element measurement in a single aspiration Na & K as standard Li, Ca & Ba optional at extra cost. Calibration curve fit routines first order and second order. Data displayed in concentration units i.e. ppm & meq, automatic filter selection; auto calibration feature. Printer attachment, PC connecting compatibility, sample data storage more than 500 results. Alphanumerical board for easy data entry. Graphical LCD display thus easy to read, Curve calibration using up to 5 standard, Multiple calibration curve saving facility, Stainless steel burner. Auto gas cut off in case of power failure. PROVIDED WITH 2 FILTERS & COMPERESSOR (HSN Code : 90273020)

Digital Flame Photometer (Dual Channel) Model No. FE-215D: 

Single aspirations, with fitters (Na & K). Final result in ppm, 2½ digit dual LED display for simultaneous result along with compressor & accessories, auto ignition. Ca & Li filter can to provided on request at extra cost. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Digital Flame Photometer (Dual Channel) Model No. FE-215E: 

with fitters (Na & K) 2½ LED display (ppm) along with compressor & other accessories, auto ignition, Ca & Li filter can to provided on request at extra cost. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Interference filters (Na, K, Li & Ca) each


Connecting tubes set


Ba filter Air compressor unit with


Sample beaker (Set of 5)


Regulator & pressure gauge




Automizer & Burner unit (complete)




Microprocessor Colony Counter 6 digit LED Model No. FE-210A: 

Display range 0-999999. With hold and count correction facility. Data restored even after power failure. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Microprocessor Colony Counter 4 digit LED Model No. FE-210B: 

Display range 0-999999. With 150 memory, hold and count correction facility. Data restored even after power failure. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Microprocessor Colony Counter 3 digit LED Model No. FE-210C: 

Display range 0-999999. With 150 memory, hold and count correction facility. Data restored even after power failure. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Magnifying glass with stand


Spare pen




Automatic Melting Point Apparatus (with HD camera & 7” LED) Model No. FE-228A: 

with resolution 0.1°C to measure melting point/boiling point of solid and liquid samples. Temperature range 0-300 C with 7” TFT screen & camera. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Automatic Melting Point Apparatus (Graphical Display) Model No. FE-228B: 

A research grade instrument with 128×64 graphical LCD display, icon based navigation menu for ease of operation, Programmable Ramp rates (slow, medium & Rapid). Storage up to 1000 results, Quick cooling with integrated fans. Audio and visual indications for system status, range ambient to 300°C, USB interface to PC. Power 230V 210 % AC. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Digital Melting Point Apparatus Model No. FE-228C: 

Within built silicon oil bath and stirrer adjustable heating rate and stirrer speed. Range up to 275°C with readability of 1°C (HSN Code : 90275090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Glass beaker 200ml, with oil level marking


Capillary set (set of 100 nos.) superior


Silicon Oil (200ml)


quality, one and sealed




Digital Bulk Density Apparatus Model No. FE-232: 

with resolution 0.1°C to measure melting point/boilingwith 1-9999 programmable strokes and facility for holding 2 nos. (50/100ml) cylinders simultaneously. 250m1 Cylinder holder will be provided. (HSN Code : 90275090) point of solid and liquid samples. Temperature range 0-300 C with 7” TFT screen & camera. (HSN Code : 90275090)

Bulk density apparatus 500x500 1


Digital Abbe Refractrometer Model No. FE-233: 

Measurement of refractive index nD transparent or translucent liquid and solid substances. Measurement of the brix of sugar solution. Visual aim and LCD display. Automatic correction of the effect of temperature on the Brix. Prism made of hard glass. RS 232 interface available. Measuring modes. Refractive Index, Brix of sugar solution, Brix TC of sugar solution, & automatic detect temp. shown in display. Measurement range –nD1.30000-1.70000 & Brix: 0-100% (HSN Code : 90275090)



Touch Screen Digital Automatic Viscometer Model No. FE-212A:

Having advantage of high accuracy, stable digital display. Easy lo operate and good anti-interference. It is widely used in the measurement of viscosity of various kinds of fluids such as grease. Paints, food. Medicine, adhesive and cosmetic etc. It can also be used for liquids. Its large LCD display measurement ranges is 20-2000,000 m Pas with 4 Spindles, 6/12/30/60 rotor speed RPM (HSN Code : 90278010)

Digital Automatic Viscometer Model No. FE-212A:

Having advantage of high accuracy, stable digital display. Easy lo operate and good anti-interference. It is widely used in the measurement of viscosity of various kinds of fluids such as grease. Paints, food. Medicine, adhesive and cosmetic etc. It can also be used for liquids. Its large LCD display measurement ranges is 10-200,000 m Pas with 4 Spindles, 6/12/30/60 rotor speed RPM (HSN Code : 90278010)

Digital automatic viscometer touch screen 5141
Digital viscometer li v201 500x500 removebg preview


Automatic Bomb Calorimeter Model No. FE-225A:

Microprocessor based (Graphical Display) 128×64 graphical LCD. Temperature resolution 0.0010C. Internal memory1000 logs with date and time, USB interface to PC. Inbuilt thermal printer, time clock, real time clock with battery backup. Measurement & calculation of calorific value & water equivalent USB interface for sending data PC. Full test report printout by inbuilt thermal printer. Weight of sample. Water equivalent and sensitivity can be set through keypad on single page, Fuse wire open indication error adjustable. No paper or printer door open detection, on firing as well as after test, automatic detection of temperature rise & fall, power supply 230+/-1056AC, complete with all accessories. (HSN Code : 90278020)

Digital Bomb Calorimeter Model No. FE-225B:

Temperature resolution 0.1C. Measurement & calculation of calorific value & water equivalent weight of sample. Display 3 digit LED, temperature accuracy 0.1C, temperature resolution 0.1C, temperature detector – RTD, temp. range RT. To 99.9C, calculation manual, power supply 230+/-10% 50Hz, complete with all accessories.  (HSN Code : 90278020)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278020)

Bomb SS with Crucible

Oxygen Filling Pipe(Set of 3)

Stirrer Motor

Nichrome Wire Roll (10mtr)

Pallet Press

Spare Valve (10 pcs)

Pressure Gauge (Oxygen Cylinder Regulator)

“O” ring set

Microprocessor fully automatic bomb calorimeter 1644560205 6197199
Untitled bomb


Ultrasonic Cleaner Capacity 2 liter, Model No. 234A:

Inner and outer both in SS, provided with digital timer & temperature. It is useful in electroplating, automobiles and machine tools. These efficient cleaners are capable of removing dust, wax, flux, dirt, rust, finger prints and grease. They proposed range of sturdily constructed and reliable cleaners is available in multiple specifications. Net weight 3.5kg, highly accurate & durable. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Ultrasonic Cleaner Capacity 3.5 liter, Model No. 234B:

Inner and outer both in SS, provided with digital timer & temperature. It is useful in electroplating, automobiles and machine tools. These efficient cleaners are capable of removing dust, wax, flux, dirt, rust, finger prints and grease. They proposed range of sturdily constructed and reliable cleaners is available in multiple specifications. Net weight 3.5kg, highly accurate & durable. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Ultrasonic Cleaner Capacity 4.5 liter, Model No. 234C:

Inner and outer both in SS, provided with digital timer & temperature. It is useful in electroplating, automobiles and machine tools. These efficient cleaners are capable of removing dust, wax, flux, dirt, rust, finger prints and grease. They proposed range of sturdily constructed and reliable cleaners is available in multiple specifications. Net weight 3.5kg, highly accurate & durable. (HSN Code : 90273020)

Ultrasonic Cleaner Capacity 6 liter, Model No. 234D:

Inner and outer both in SS, provided with digital timer & temperature. It is useful in electroplating, automobiles and machine tools. These efficient cleaners are capable of removing dust, wax, flux, dirt, rust, finger prints and grease. They proposed range of sturdily constructed and reliable cleaners is available in multiple specifications. Net weight 3.5kg, highly accurate & durable. (HSN Code : 90273020)

7135uu3rrgl. sl1500


Digital Fully Automatic Colorimeter Model No. FE-214A:

9 Digit filters with facility for automatic zero setting with finger touch, digital wavelength selection. Inbuilt 6V Ni-Cd Re-Chargeable battery. lml. Solution measurement, range 400-700 nm, highly accurate & compact. (HSN Code : 90278020)

Auto Photo Colorimeter Model No. FE-214B:

8 Glass filters with facility for automatic zero setting with finger touch, 2½ digit LED display, range 400-700 nm, highly accurate & compact. (HSN Code : 90278020)

Deluxe Photo Colorimeter Model No. FE-214C:

8 Glass filters mains cum battery operated with inbuilt rechargeable battery, 2½ digit LED display, range 400-700 nm, highly accurate & compact. (HSN Code : 90278020):

Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter Model No. FE-214D:

8 filters with facility for direct measurement of results in conc., %T O.D. memory for storage of 3 standards to avoid frequent use of standards. Automatic zero setting facility. Range 400-700 nm. 1ml solution measurement. (HSN Code : 90278020)

Digital Photo Colorimeter Model No. FE-214E:

8 filters main operated with optical density 2½ digit LED display. Range 400-700 nm. 1ml solution measurement. (HSN Code : 90278020)


Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Photo cell/ photo diode

Test tube set of 5 colorimeter

Standard glass filter, each colour

41aqaniginl. sr600 315 piwhitestrip bottomleft 0 35 sclzzzzzzz fmpng bg255 255 255 removebg preview
Digital photo colorimeters 500x500
Colorimetric analyzer 500x500
Deluxe photo calorimeter 500x500
Microprocessor photo colorimeter 500x500 removebg preview


Digital Dry Bath incubator Model No. FE-235:

24 holes for 12 mm tubes, +5C above ambient to 70C. Temperature sensor PT100. Maximum heating power 125W, temperature controller PID, timer 1 min to 99 minutes, LCD display for time & temperature, anodized aluminum block. 220V AC, available with buzzer alarm & overheat protection. (HSN Code : 84199090)

Pic of vsi 151 digital dry bath incubator 500x500


Microprocessor Dissolved Oxygen Meter Model No. FE-236A:

With 16×2 alpha numeric LCD display, simultaneous display of D.O. probe, temp. probe, electrode dust cover & instructions manual. (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer cum temperature Meter Model No. FE-236B:

Along with Gold/Silver D.O probe and RTD temp. probe (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Digital Dissolved Oxygen Meter Model No. FE-236C:

3½ Digit LED display Gold/Silver D.O probe. (Table Model) (HSN Code : 90278090)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90278090)

Dissolved Oxygen Probe (amperometic gold/silver membrane type)

A set of 10 D.O membrane

Microprocessor based do meter 500x500
Dissolved oxygen meters 500x500


Microprocessor Water & Soil Analysis Kit (7 Parameters) Model No. FE-237A:

For measurement pH. Conductivity. Mv, TDS salinity. D.O. & temperature, 16×2 alphanumeric LCD display, battery cum mains operated with all accessories fitted in an briefcase. Data storage facility up to 1000 samples and external printer attachment facility available computer interface through USB. (HSN Code : 90275020)

Deluxe Water & Soil Analysis Kit (7 Parameters) Model No. FE-237B:

3½  digit LCD display converging: pH. Conductivity, TDS salinity, turbidity, D.O & temperature With rechargeable battery, complete with accessories, fitted in an briefcase. (HSN Code : 90275020)

Digital Water & Soil Analysis Kit (6 Parameters) Model No. FE-237C:

3½  digit LCD display converging: pH. Conductivity, TDS, ORP’. D.O & temperature battery cum mains operated, complete with accessories, fitted in an briefcase. (HSN Code : 90275020)

Digital Water & Soil Analysis Kit (5 Parameters) Model No. FE-237D:

3½  digit LCD display converging: pH. Conductivity, TDS, ORP’. D.O & temperature battery cum mains operated, complete with accessories, fitted in an briefcase. (HSN Code : 90275020)

Digital Water & Soil Analysis Kit (8 Parameters) Model No. FE-237E:

3½  digit LCD display converging measurement of pH. Conductivity, Turbidity, colorimeter, TDS salinity. D.O & temperature, fitted in an briefcase. (HSN Code : 90275020)

Accessories on Demand (HSN Code : 90275020)

pH combination electrode

A set of 10 D.O membrane

Conductivity cell (cell constant 1.0)

Set of 30mm test tube with cap(3 nos.)

dissolved oxygen probe (amperometic gold/silver membrane type)

Temperature Probe

Digital water 500x500
Digital water and soil analyzer kit 500x500
Water and soil kit removebg preview
Water and soil analysis kit