Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (2 Cell Holder) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (8 Cell Holder) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth & 8 Cell Holder) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, automatic 8 cell changer & Variable Bandwidth, automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

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Uv vis spectrophometers
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Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Touch Screen) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large touch screen with colored display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Xenon Lamp) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, Basic quantitative wavelength scan/DNA, Protein Test/Kinetic, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large colored screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Touch Screen) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large touch screen with colored display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020) ECONOMY MODEL

Single Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Advance Model) Range 190-1100 nm, with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission Absorbance & K factor measurement. Automatic wavelength calibration & selection. It has sample holder with 4 position selector control for 10 mm path length cuvettes. Automatic wavelength calibration & wavelength scan. Automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB Port. Set of 2 Quartz & 4 Glass. Highly stable and accurate. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Range 195-1000 nm, with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission Absorbance & K factor measurements. It has sample holder with 4 position selector control for 10 mm path length cuvettes. Facility has been provided for interface with any printer (RS232). Set of 2 Quartz & 4 Glass cuvettes  is provided. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Double Beam Microprocessor UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Variable Bandwidth) Advance circuit measurement and control system make the instrument of high reliability and low noise. Range 190-1100 nm, fully automatic operations, Variable Bandwidth (0.5,1,2,3,4,5 nm) automatic wavelength calibration and wavelength scan, automatic peak picking & spectrum display. Large screen with graphic display. Spectrum and data can be printed out by printer and sent to computer via USB PORT. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

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Nano/Micro Visible Spectrophotometer (Portable & Graphical Display) Range 400-700 nm with facility for automatic scanning, Auto Calibration of Filters, automatic display of graphs and results, resolution 10nm display-2.9 inches graphical LCD, Scanning and OD node available, fast results in 2 seconds, power 5000 mah battery with micro USB 5V charger, Accommodates 1 cm path length cuvettes/13 nm OD tubes, android/iOS appli. integration available (OPT)

Digital Spectrophotometer (Double Display) Range 340-960 nm with facility for automatic concentration, %Transmission Absorbance measurements. 3½ digit data display, separate 3 digit LED display for wavelength in nm with 1 nm wavelength resolution. (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Digital Spectrophotometer (Double Display) Range 340-960 nm with facility for automatic concentration, 6% Transmission Absorbance measurements. 3½ digit data display, separate 3 digit LED display for wavelength in nm with 1 nm wavelength resolution. Provision for 10 mm & 50 mm path length cuvettes is provided equipped with set of 10 mm & 50 mm path length cuvettes.

Microprocessor Spectrophotometer (VIS) Range 320-1020 nm with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission and absorbance and K factor measurements. It has 3½ bright LCD display for data. Its sample holder accommodated glass cuvettes of 10 to 50 mm path length. Facility has been provided for unlimited sample data  storage and interface for any printer through RS 232 C. A set of 4 glass cuvettes of 10 mm path length is provided. SOFTWEAR INCLUDED (HSN CODE : 90273020)

Microprocessor Spectrophotometer (Scanning Based) Single Beam Range 320-1020 nm with facility for automatic concentration, % Transmission and absorbance and K factor measurements. It has graphical LCD display for data. Its sample holder accommodated glass cuvettes of 10 to 50 mm path length. Facility has been provided for unlimited sample data  storage and interface for any printer via. USB. A set of 4 glass cuvettes 10mm path length is provided. With software.